2010 NFL Week 15 Betting Odds

After the 2010 NFL Week 15 Betting Odds are issued, only two weeks remain. With the 15th week, some teams are scrambling to make it to the playoffs. One team's victory could spell defeat for another team, even if they had been successful in their games. The 15th week is essentially the beginning of the end, and each team that is on the brink of the playoffs will be playing even harder in order to make their way to the postseason. These odds, upon their release, will likely reflect the determination, will, and heart of the teams still involved in the season in an active way. Time is running out for those teams who are borderline on success, while those who have secured their position in the playoffs will likely be resting their starters. Like the Colts in the end of last year's season, the favorites who are secured in the playoffs may be resting their starters, thus shifting the NFL 2010 Week 15 Betting Odds in the favor of the underdog. This week is invariably a treacherous week for wagering.

Moving into the 15th week you will see a few match ups that are of some key importance. The Saints will visit Baltimore to continue marauding through the season. The Eagles and the Giants will have their chance on the Grid Iron, and the Packers are scheduled to meet the Patriots. The Jets will meet the Steelers in order to make an attempt at a post season chase. The Steelers especially have a lot to prove for the upcoming end of the season, as they did not find great success in the regular season in the 2009 season. The 2010 NFL Week 15 Betting Odds will once again provide fans and bettors with an overview of how the week will end.

Find All Of The 2010 NFL Week 15 Betting Odds Listed Below: