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Stakes Are High In The Big Brother House

Gambling News - September 2nd, 2009 - Written by Bonnie

big brother 11 castThe battle continues in the Big Brother house and we are just days away from finding out if Jeff has managed to sweet talk his way into staying in the house for yet another week. When Jeff and Michelle were put on the block, it was very clear how crucial the power of veto competition was to everyone. It was Jeff and Michelle's chance to save themselves and Jordan's chance to really be there for Jeff. The power of veto competition was an individual game played by each player. The objective of the game was to match a baby picture to the two house guests that when combined, make up the picture. Some of the house guests certainly proved to not be the ideal couple and should definitely stay away from any ideas of making babies. When all was said and done, Michelle managed to have the best time in matching the pictures and was awarded the power of veto. As expected, she used the power of veto on herself, forcing Kevin to place Jordan up against Jeff.

A very emotional Jordan expressed her feelings of disappointment that she was not able to provide Jeff a safety net by winning power of veto. Jeff, being the respectful guy that he is, only blames himself for being in the position he is in now and only wishes the power of veto competition had been a success for him. As we have all watched, Jeff has carried Jordan through this competition week after week and she will do everything in her power to see to it that he remains part of the Big Brother house. A uncomfortable position has been placed upon both of them by having to go up against each other and although both will be campaigning, I think its a given who they both will be campaigning for.

Now that Kevin is starting to see Natalie through competitive eyes, he is beginning to second guess his alliance with her and look ahead to what is the best move for him to stay in the game. There has been talk that Natalie could in fact be the one that is back doored and sent to the jury house. Kevin's next move is very important because he needs to go up against house guests he may have a chance of beating, but he also has to be careful who he sends packing. The clicks could be reunited in the jury house, which could mean trouble for the remaining house guests. Watch and see which direction Kevin goes and if he will soon regret his decision.

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JORDAN LLOYD          +500

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