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Frank Supports EU Stand On UIGEA 

June 15th, 2009 - Written by Renee

barney frankThe European Union has released a strongly worded report requesting the United Stated to withdraw the UIGEA and allow European gambling operators to function there. Immediately Representative Barney Frank took up the cudgels on behalf of the European Union. Frank had been advocating freedom of choice as the main reason for the support of his bill to overturn the UIGEA. To that he added that the current US policy on online gambling discriminates against overseas online casinos and violates global trade agreements. Frank said, “This is further argument for repealing the law which currently restricts the personal freedom of American adults to gamble online.” 

Frank also pointed out that the Bush administration had cited the necessity of adhering to the WTO laws when taking some decisions harmful to America’s interests. He said, “This report particularly shows the inconsistency of the Bush Administration, which frequently argued we had to abide by the WTO even when it cost American jobs…”. However, because online gambling does not fit their conservative ideological beliefs the Bush administration was willing to flout the WTO agreements and take on the world. America has already lost cases against Antigua at the WTO and is refusing to pay the compensation awarded by the WTO. 

The compensation payable to the European Union could be as high as $100 billion and the European Union is better placed to enforce recovery than Antigua. Therefore when the European Union has indicated that it would first try for a negotiated friendly settlement with the Obama administration, the United States should meet them half way.
