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Oregon Lottery Commissions to Remain Unchanged

Gambling News - November 4th, 2009 - Written by Glen

The Oregon Lottery had been under fire from Stand For Children, an education advocacy group, over the commission appropriated to retailers versus that of education. The education advocacy requested that retailers see reduced commission, requesting that more go to the education system.

The Oregon Lottery Commision has voted, unanimously in fact, that no change be made. This unanimous vote came after a recommendation by Dale Penn, Lottery Commissioner, who suggested that the reduction of commission could adversely affect proprietors of the establishments in which the gambling machines are held. It had been assumed that the consequences there in could thus diminish the amount of lottery revenue available to schools.

The contract stating that lottery purveyors will receive $0.24 cents of every dollar will remain for five years. The twenty-four cents per dollar rate is already a reduction from an early cut, which had brought them down from thirty-five cents per dollar lost by gamblers.

With revenue already down, the education system has already taken a blow. Some players have already begun to flock to legal USA online gambling sites as their alternative, thus proving why using gambling as a primary method of educational funding is a risk for the state and the students.

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